Columnist pog of greed
Bio: Can't find the exit. Gotta find the exit.
Writers: Sean Gray
Abstract: Satire about the world of the super-rich
Steve Coogan
Directed by: Michael Winterbottom
And I don't know if it's just me but when someone goes to prison that has a beard like that. I get happy.
Michael Winterbottom’s entertaining mockumentary about a high-street fashion tycoon presents a hideous carnival of obscene wealth, vanity and moral squalor
3 /
5 stars
3 out of 5 stars.
Steve Coogan as Sir Richard ‘Greedy’ McCreadie in Greed.
Photograph: Sony Pictures
T hat exhilaratingly prolific film-maker Michael Winterbottom – working with additional material from Sean Gray from The Thick of It – has served up a breezy, funny, unsubtle scattershot satire-melodrama all about the moral squalor of the super-rich. They are epitomised by a fictional high-street fashion mogul called Sir Richard “Greedy” McCreadie as he prepares for a monumentally tasteless, Fyre festival -ish, Roman-themed 60th birthday party on the plutocrats’ island of Mykonos. (Rome in Greece? Why not? ) McCreadie has just suffered a nightmare of bad publicity following a catastrophic performance in front of a parliamentary select committee, and all the celebs are starting to pull out of his bash. One star who will be there is Clarence, a real, live lion for a re-creation of the Coloseum scene from the movie Gladiator. There’s no need to wonder if that might go horribly, black-comically and symbolically wrong. This is, of course, all a caricature of the Topshop supremo Philip Green. McCreadie is played by Steve Coogan with a tan, an open-necked shirt, alpha-male silver-grey hair and emulsion-white teeth. It is a nice enough performance from Coogan, but this excellent actor is not especially challenged by the shallow, if entertaining, role as it is written, and his technical skill in performance is perhaps best shown most in a tiny moment when he impersonates Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz.
Isla Fisher plays Sir Richard’s first wife, in whose name all his tax-avoiding profits were originally registered in Monaco – though whether their divorce meant McCreadie had to take a financial hit isn’t entirely clear. (Philip Green, who has precisely this financial arrangement with his wife Tina, is not divorced. ) Shirley Henderson gives an enjoyably robust performance as his elderly Irish mum; Sarah Solemani plays the harassed assistant whose job it is to book Elton John to play at the party; Asa Butterfield is the stroppy teen son with an Oedipal resentment of his dad; and David Mitchell plays a cynical and self-hating journalist-turned-biographer whom Sir Richard has hired to write a sycophantic authorised life.
The movie rattles along in mockumentary style, giving us a moment-by-moment display of this hideous carnival of vanity and suppressed despair. But compared to, say, lethally funny TV such as Succession, or indeed Veep, which Gray also worked on, Greed isn’t especially penetrating about money or power. It comes alive most satisfyingly in the flashbacks showing McCreadie as an obnoxious public schoolboy (played by Jamie Blackley), and there is a clever montage imagining all the grisly high-street clothing stores with names like Xcellent that he has set up and put out of business over the years. Scenes in Sri Lanka show how he has brutally exploited developing-world labour - and always with screeching, bullying self-pity, as though they are exploiting him.
Rome on Mykenos … Isla Fisher, Coogan and Asa Butterfield in Greed. Photograph: Sony Pictures
Winterbottom chucks everything up to and including the kitchen sink into this movie: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Like many films, Greed rather casually brings in the subject of refugees to bolster the drama’s moral and political seriousness: there are some unsightly Syrian refugees on the Mykonos beach that Sir Richard would like removed – but in truth this subject is not very important to the film. There is a fair bit to enjoy here, including some interesting details. Will Elton John really play your party for $1m? Will Tom Jones really do it for $350, 000, and will James Blunt play a single song for 75 grand? Is that what he charged for his cameo here?
• This article was amended on 12 September 2019 to correctly describe Sean Gray’s writing credit on Greed and on 21 February 2020 to correct the date of the UK release.
• Greed screened at the Toronto film festival and goes on release in the UK on 21 February.
Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. GREED has just been released in cinemas - but are fans able to watch the movie online instead of heading outdoors? PUBLISHED: 07:25, Fri, Feb 21, 2020 | UPDATED: 07:26, Fri, Feb 21, 2020 Steve Coogan stars in Greed, which sees him team up with his frequent directing collaborator Michael Winterbottom. His character, Sir Richard McCreadie, is believed to be based on the high street fashion mogul Sir Philip Green. The movie is now out in cinemas, but will fans be able to also watch it at home if they so choose? READ MORE: Star Wars home release: When is Rise of Skywalker out on DVD and download? Can you watch Greed online, and is it legal? Greed is out in cinemas now, and is not being released simultaneously on other platforms. Sometimes, films are released in what is known as “simultaneous distribution, ” which means it is released online at the same time as a limited release. However, that is not the case with Greed, which can only be enjoyed at the cinema from its release date until it is released on DVD and digital download in the future. READ MORE: Parasite streaming: Can I watch the FULL movie online? Is it legal? Greed streaming: Can you watch the FULL movie online? (Image: Sony) At present, any website claiming to have the film for streaming or download is illegal. The Digital Economy Act 2017 means people could now face ten-year prison sentences for illegally streaming copyrighted content. To be sure you’re not watching copyrighted material, you should go direct to companies such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, according to FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft). Adding a further warning, CEO of FACT, Kieron Sharp said: “There are now more ways than ever for consumers to watch movies and TV but not going to legitimate sources to watch new movies is not a grey area: it is against the law. “As well as being illegal, evidence shows that streaming pirated content is incredibly risky and can expose users to malware and inappropriate content. “Not only does that deny the best viewing experience, it’s just not worth taking the chance. ” As a result, fans should head to their local cinema to watch Greed. Given it is the final weekend of half term, this could be an idea movie to watch to take some time out before the school and work days return. Caroline Flack, Isla Fisher and Steve Coogan in Greed (Image: Sony) What is the certificate of Greed? *WARNING: Mild Greed spoilers below The film has a certificate of 15, meaning, according to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) no one younger than 15 may see the film in the cinema. This means no one under 15, even if accompanied by a parent or guardian, is permitted to watch the film in the cinema. For parents taking their teenagers to the movie, however, there is some guidance about what could cause them to be upset or concerned. Steve Coogan on the catwalk in Greed (Image: Sony) This information is provided by the BBFC for all movies, as well as warnings of specific moments which could cause problems. The ratings information reads: “Greed is a satirical comedy drama in which a British retail tycoon prepares to host a lavish birthday party for himself on a Greek island. “There is infrequent very strong language (‘c**t’) and frequent strong language (‘f**k’). “Milder bad language includes uses of ‘t**t’, ‘b***h’, ‘p***k’ and ‘cocks’. Steve Coogan as Sir Richard McCreadie in Greed (Image: Sony) “In the aftermath of an animal attack there are shots of the victim with heavily bloodied clothing. “There is brief drug misuse in a scene in which cocaine is snorted, as well as drug references. “There are moderate sex references. There is also moderate threat in a scene in which people panic as they attempt to escape from a burning building. ” Greed is in cinemas now.
If sony made condoms they would most likely get hacked somehow
That was the perfect way to describe Sony. I love you. Ignore the negative comments 🖤. Storch what up.
A con man with the last name Khan! If that's not a sign from above, I'm not sure what would be
I grew up with godsmack rammstein disturbed and I still love them all
Its very disappointing that the excitement of a reworked WCIII has fallen flat on its face. We all would have gladly waited longer if they could have delivered on what was talked about. Its so difficult as a player of the original WCIII to see this and just shake my head. We all know why they pushed it out like they did, but it still doesnt feel very good.
Truly a story of many layers. you got a slaughter house which is never gonna be humane, desperate illegal immigrants no where to turn for help but to sacrifice, and accounting frauds? Faking invoices with truck dispatching records to get more loans and personal wealth. Give me a break. David Mitchell Im in. The fyre festival couldn't have been that popular because I wasn't invited. Goodfellas style money corruption, nice locales, 80s soundtrack, Steve Coogan AND Isla Fisher, the ISLA GIRL. Who can resist saying it: GREED IS GOOD! GREED COULD WORK. TAKE THAT, MICHAEL DOUGLAS.
Baddest drumming 🔥. This one goes in for sure. Remember the end of “The wolf of Wall Street” when he goes to jail, but its more like a resort and plays tennis? Theres an actual prison exactly like this and its called FCI Otisville. Billy McFarland is spending his prison sentence there. Nonviolent drug offenders get life in prison, where theyre transformed into violent criminals. scumbags like billy McFarland get a slap on the wrist and go to a white collar resort “prison” cuz hes a white trust fund baby. Gotta love how US prisons have been privatized.
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